Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bug is bug…

Some two days back I have raised an issue that “users are not receiving SMS for their mobile”
Developers analyzed everything and mentioned in the ticket, Users will not receive any SMS if they enabled DND in their SIM, and it will not applicable for India region. They closed that ticket as “won’t fix”.
After the Elevation to the customers, we got first ticket from the customer side as customer ticket.
After the ticket came from the customer, QA manager, Dev Manager spends whole day find reason for that issue. All the qa folks worked on the same. Finally they solved the problem and testers validated the same and work fine.
Lessons Learned from that ticket.
1.    A bug is bug, do not worry about region.
2.    Don’t think we should give importance to customer ticket, of course we should give
3.    Make sure that we should not get any bugs from customer side